Thursday, October 11, 2007

war on drugs

When Marion Jones said that she had asked God for forgiveness after she admitted to lying about taking performance enhancing drugs before the 2000 Olympics, I wonder if this was the same "God" who had apparently provided her with the steroids -- I mean the "God-given abilities" which she claimed to have.
I mean really, how much sympathy can she expect to get from a God whom she thought didn't exist enough to care about being used as a false front for her "sinful" behavior?
She admitted to the court that she did take THG to prepare for the games in Sydney. I just don't know why these damn athletes take that risk. I mean seriously no one expects you to be he-man, just train hard and let your talents take over. She's already in the hole financially, so this only makes it worse. I wouldn't be surprised if Wheaties wanted their money back!

“The truth or falsity of a given perception is often quite relative when one is concerned with a complex social question such as the nature of a conspiracy. There are as many variables and problems of definition that much depends on the observers position, interest and amount of information. The belief in a conspiracy can be treated as a theoretical construct, not necessarily less reasonable than other constructs which help explain disturbing and unexpected happenings” - David B. Davis -

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