Update, Update, Update!
Last weekend, in the space of less than 2 days, it took to my notice that most of major TV channels like CNN et al aired the worthless story of big clelebrities and their deeds. My head was sore, but more from the emotional twists and turns in the final days.
I learned Lindsay Lohan, Poor Little Rich Drug User was busted on suspicion of drunk driving and drug possession. Shortly, her father and a parade of Hollywood celebrities made sobbing, heart wrenching pleas on the Larry King show for public understanding of Lohan's ordeal. They blame all her situation on reckless paparazzi and LA's big city life.
There are thousands of drug offenders all around the globe that need the same compassion and help as Lohan. The big difference is that these drug abusers aren't high-profile, bankable screen commodities alike. They are mostly poor blacks, Asians and Latinos. The estimate is that nearly one-fourth of the more than one million blacks that pack America's prisons are there for non-violent, drug-related crimes. It costs millions to keep them there.
Putting them behind bars has had staggering consequences as these sorta punishments has torn apart families and communities. It has been the single biggest reason for the bloat in States spending on prison construction, maintenance, and the escalation in the number of prosecutors needed to handle the flood of drug cases.
Also, few poor black and Asian drug offenders were immediately released by police, as Lohan continues to be, and then they were allowed to luxuriate in a posh drug treatment center.
We Play to win but we loose just the same!!
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