Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the rallying of disparate factions..

It seems like the world started spinning a little faster.. or a lot. I almost don't even know where to start
Well I went to an Il show *finally*. I've been promising them for some ridiculous amount of months that I'd make it out and stuff always gets in the way. It was such a great night, I'm so glad I went. They had a great set and performed perfectly. It was great running into Rainbow too, we got to catch up on so much and it made me feel like there is someone in this damn city I know... even a little.
I quit Khukri yet again. I have no idea why I keep asking for that stupid s**** back, but I'm quite happy to be back across the street. It's nice waking up 20 minutes before and still being able to shower and make it on time heh.
I finally hooked my butt up with some recording equipment, not that I have even a faint clue how the hell to use the programs. Everytime I open them I stare blankly at the screen and then oops.. back on myspace. Thank god, the boys know what they are doing for they have been there for almost a decade or we'd be a mess heh.
Great show coming up! I'm especially excited for this, which is suprising since my collegue's is in less than two days. I'm finding intimate presentation wind up being a lot better of a night. Having to deal with thousands of own unanswered realities, most of which have high technical and scientific reasonings, pushing you and drowning out the demands of what the client's and that you actually went to see... isn't as much fun as it used to be. It's nice to go through a great software job with a bunch of friends and let the group know how great they did after. -->random thinking I guess...
Other groups working on this module is showing a lot of progress, which is good... I wish I had more to say on the subject, but sadly I'm never good with these things nomore on other's business. It's so hard to deal with, I can't even imagine what everyone feels like. When we showed, I worry about their's... but I don't want to say that because I know how painful this must be for them and their group, and they'll just emphasize how bad things are... leaving everyone with not a lot to say. All I and my associates can do is be there to listen, but they never wants to stare to us all. I just keep thinking positively that the outcome will get the majority citizens of our wonderland a lot to know and to their family soon.
I guess that's all I've got for an update.. should probably be asleep right now heh.............

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